Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway
©2014 Mothers' Union, Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway.Reg Charity No. SC023885Terms of UsePrivacy Policy
Glasgow and Galloway 2014
16 Days of Activism
Against Gender Violence
Members across the Diocese are supporting this campaign, which runs from 25th November – International Day Against Violence Against Women – to 10th December – International Human Rights Day.
St Columba’s Scottish Episcopal Church in Largs was the venue for a very moving ecumenical service held on the first day of activism in 2014. The resources for the service were provided by the Mothers’ Union 16 days pack (click here for more details).
The short service raised awareness of domestic abuse and what we can do to support those in abusive situations and campaign for tighter laws. There are some startling statistics. It is estimated that between 23 – 37% of women across the different regions of the world suffer violence from an intimate partner; and that 38% of all women murdered across the world are killed by their partner. Sexual violence is endemic across the world. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, 48 women are raped every hour and in Lesotho, 61% of women report having suffered sexual violence at some point in their lifetime.
In the UK 127 women have been killed so far this year at the hand of their partner. At the end of the service we tied up 127 white balloons to represent these women and some men, that are also killed.
Hilary Moran, a Mothers’ Union member who attends the church, introduced the service. She said she thought the drama (above) was particularly moving and she felt well supported by her church.
There was a collection for Scottish Women’s Aid at the end of the service. On just one day of 2013 in Scotland, 341 women and 257 children and young people were living in a Women’s Aid refuge, 809 women and 319 children and young people were supported by a Women’s Aid group, 82 women and 12 children and young people contacted Women’s Aid for the very first time, 37 women and 22 children and young people asked for refuge accommodation, but Women’s Aid groups were unable to find suitable spaces for 19 women and 5 children and young people.
If you are affected by domestic violence and need immediate help, contact Women's Aid, the police domestic abuse liaison officer or your local social work office. You can also phone the domestic abuse helpline on 0800 027 1234 (also provides help for men).
The drama along with other resources is available for download from our Resources Page.
Autumn Council 2014
Members of St Ninian’s Pollokshields provided a warm welcome and generous hospitality for our Autumn Council on Saturday 18th October 2014.
It was a special day for members as they had the joy of welcoming two new office bearers – Rev Lucy Ireland (above left) is our new Diocesan Chaplain and Elaine McAlpine (above right) is our new Diocesan Secretary.
Rev Lucy who is a member of the East End Ministry Team in Glasgow spoke of the importance of members being part of a community whose success and smooth running is dependent on God being at the centre of all our thoughts, deeds and actions.
Elaine’s talent and enthusiasm is a welcome addition to the Trustee Board.
The main business of the meeting were two Power Point Presentations – Mission during Commonwealth Games, which can be downloaded by clicking here (13MB), and Visit to Sweden, which will be available to download from this page soon.
Grateful thanks go to Rev Paul Romano and the people of St Ninian’s for giving MU members across the diocese the joy of worshipping God at St Ninian’s.
Special thanks to Lesley, Aileen, Val and all who helped with the hospitality. The soup and cakes were a delight!!
In Tune with Glasgow 2014
On the second evening of the Commonwealth Games, Thursday 24th July, the Diocese held an evening of light music and traditional tunes at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow to celebrate the work of the Mothers’ Union across the commonwealth.
With the Glasgow Senior Citizen Orchestra and the Clyde Coast Strathspay and Reel Society with Scottish Country Dancers, we had a very enjoyable evening of music and dancing while raising money for the MU Overseas Fund. There was also a special appearance by members of the Ugandan games delegation.
To see more pictures from this event, please click here.
MU Chaplain – Thank You
On Saturday June 14th, MU members met at Rev Peter Douglas’ home for a final time as Peter relinquished his role as MU Chaplain, prior to retiring from his ministry at Holy Trinity, Kilmarnock, in July.
This was no sad time, but a joyous occasion as all present, including Beth the dog enjoyed worship, a wide ranging and delicious BBQ and fantastic company
Peter’s chaplaincy has inspired members through his worship, spirituality hospitality and joyful exuberance. Ministry in Africa with MU gave Peter insight into what is possible when a Christian organisation focuses on being God’s witnesses. In G&G we try to follow that ethos.
Members would not be surprised if an MU branch opens up soon in Malaga!
Thank you Peter!
Ann Glenesk
Diocesan President
More photos from the event can be seen by clicking here
Festival Service May 2014
Members from across the diocese travelled to St John’s Church, Dumfries on Saturday 10th May to join with members from the Galloway region as they celebrated the 65th anniversary of being a part of the Worldwide Mother’s Union.
The service presided over by +Idris and Revd Canon Robin Paisley took the theme of ‘Sowing The Future Together’. Lynne Tembey Worldwide President gave the address and readings were done by Jean McPherson Richardson (Provincial President) and Ann Glenesk (Diocesan President). In addition the many Glasgow and Galloway members who were present along with all the banners from their branches we welcomed Olu Akitoye from Lagos, Nigeria and Angela Klabou from Chester – two of our linked dioceses.
After a most joyful service we headed out into the church grounds where, dodging the rain showers, Lynne Tembey planted a commemorative tree (Cornus controversa variegate – The wedding Cake Tree). Elsie Murray one of our trustees had written a blessing that we all sang to the tune of ‘Ye Banks and Braes’ (most appropriate given the Burns connection to Dumfries.
Lunch then followed in the church hall, all provided by MU members from the region, and truly delicious.
After lunch, entertainment had been laid on. Two very talented young men from St Jon’s congregation along with their pianist sang a selection of arias and ditties.
This brought to a close a full and most enjoyable day. Click here to see more pictures from the day.
The Diocese has introduced a Newsletter to keep everyone informed in between issues of Newslink. Please click here to download the latest edition. There are lots of events over the next few months so please take a look. Some are publicised on the Dates page.
Spring Council 2014
A total of 46 people worshipped God and enjoyed fellowship at our Spring Council at St Ninian’s, Prestwick.
Members received a lovely warm welcome from Rev Jane Ross and members of the congregation.
The church is a delight and members responded with joyous singing led by Peter our Chaplain and Elsie our organist.
At Spring Council members shared their stories of reaching out to others – each a source of inspiration.
The slides for my report to Council can be seen by clicking here and more photos from the day can be seen by clicking here.
Members look forward to being together again at the Festival Service on May 10th at St John’s Dumfries. Each Festival service offers thanks to God and this year we will give thanks for the members and mission which has taken place in the South Galloway Region over the last 65 years. Lynne Tembey the Worldwide President will be with us and will be giving the address. Jean Richardson the Provincial President and many of our links will also be in attendance. All are most welcome to attend – the trustees look forward to seeing you there.
With love and my prayers
Ann x
A New Year Message from the Diocesan President
Dear Friends,
A Happy New Year to you and to all those with whom you engage!
Mothers’ Union delights for 2014 include:
I write to extend an invitation to attend a meeting of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) group – the Provost of the Cathedral the Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth, who suggested this meeting will be present at St Mary’s Cathedral on Monday 20th January at 7:30pm.
The purpose of the meeting is to exchange views between members of LGBT group who wish equality in marriage and members of Mothers’ Union.
Can anyone who has a particular interest in this issue and/or who will attend meeting please let me know by email (click here to email Ann).
Papers will be sent to those attending a week prior to meeting.
Let us hope and pray that as a Diocese we sow the future together by seeing the world through the eyes of Christ, speaking to those we meet with the words of Christ and taking with us on our journeys the peace of Christ!
With love and my prayers
Ann x